Why did my avocado seed split in half (3)

The Mystery of Avocado seed splitting in Half


Unexpectedly simple to grow from seed, an avocado tree requires a lot of time and effort to reach the fruiting stage. Avocados are tough and their sprouting process can occasionally take months. Even if you start with dozens of avocado seeds, some of them might not sprout. Sometimes it takes months for them to root. In this article, we will discuss why did my avocado seed split in half. Before knowing the reasons behind the Avocado seed spilling in half. First, we will discuss how we grow an avocado from seed.

How to grow Avocado from Seeds?

These steps must be followed in order to cultivate an avocado from seed.

  • You must gently remove the avocado’s pit without cutting it before washing it to extract all of the avocado fruit. Be careful not to remove the seed’s dark skin. The origin will be shielded.
  • The pit of an avocado has a top and a bottom. The top is where sprouts emerge, and the bottom is where roots eventually appear. You must immerse the bottom root end entirely in water to get your pit to sprout.
  • Use three toothpicks, evenly spaced around the avocado’s circumference, and put each one into an avocado seed at a slight downward inclination.
  • The toothpicks serve as a support system for the avocados.
  • The toothpicks must be firmly placed in order to allow you to lay the bottom half of the avocado in water.
  • Use transparent glass so you can see the roots expanding. Put it in the light of day. Depending on the circumstance, you may need to replace the water four or five times per week or you may change it more frequently.
  • Sprouting needs time, therefore the time has come. It usually takes 4 to 8 weeks. At this point, the plant will begin to grow. It will grow slowly, so when the stem is 15 cm tall, trim it to 8 cm to encourage new growth.
  • Avocados require a lot of sunlight; the more they receive, the better they will grow. Place one avocado inside the pot after adding dirt to it.
  • Frequently water your plants. Always keep the soil wet. After a set period of time, the plant will begin to grow, leaves will appear, and after much labor, the fruit will be produced one day.
Why did my avocado seed split in half (4)

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Why did my avocado seed split in half?

Although avocado seeds are fairly tough, they occasionally shatter or split. If you’re trying to develop an avocado from a seed, this can be very frustrating. An avocado seed may split in half for a variety of causes, such as


Overwatering an avocado seed can split the seed if it is done too regularly. The pressure inside the seed might rise as a result of overwatering, causing the seed to break.

Age of the seeds

It also matters how old the seed is. This may be the cause of the split in half in the seed. With age, avocado seeds naturally start to dry up and occasionally break apart.


The seed’s effectiveness is also crucial. Avocado seeds can simply lack the ability to germinate. The seed may have split when it began to decay if it wasn’t fertile.

Temperature or Humidity fluctuations

Sudden changes in either of these factors can cause the seed to split. This may occur if the seed is placed in an environment that is too dry or too humid, or if it is exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is not good for seeds.

Size of seed

The size of the avocado seed is another factor that causes it to split. If it gets too big, the fleshy part that holds it can no longer support the weight.

It’s important to keep in mind that just because an avocado seed has split in two doesn’t imply it won’t grow. In some cases, you can still plant the seed, and it will develop into a strong plant. However, it’s also conceivable that the seed has been harmed and won’t be able to germinate.

Does a Split Avocado Seed Have a Chance of Surviving?

Yes, split avocado seeds occasionally survive. You must put in the appropriate effort if you want your seed to sprout. The pieces of avocado seeds must be put back together in moist soil so that they will remain together while the plant develops. Additionally, this will provide the avocado seed room to sprout new leaves.

Alternatively, you can set both parts on a tray with moistened soil and watch for new roots to appear. When these have grown, place them in a larger pot with ordinary soil and keep watering them as needed.

How to Prevent your Avocado seed from Splitting in Half?

Many different things, including genetics, environmental circumstances, and incorrect handling, can lead to seed splitting. If you want your seeds to sprout, the following methods may be helpful:

Select Healthy seeds

You must first select mature, healthy seeds. Choose firm, ripe avocados that are not yet overripe. Avocados that are too ripe are more prone to splitting and may not sprout.

Maintain appropriate avocado storage

Avocados should be kept in storage until they are fully ripe at room temperature. Neither extremely high nor extremely low temperatures should be applied as doing so could split the seed.

Prior to sowing, soak the seed

Give the seed a night’s soak in water before planting to assist it in getting wet and lessen the possibility that it will split. Even if your seed is in good health, soaking it in water for 24 hours prior to planting will be beneficial. The seed’s outer covering will become softer as a result, making it easier for it to grow when it is later placed in soil and exposed to moisture.

Place the seed in a nurturing environment 

Give your avocado seed a proper environment to make sure it never breaks in half. Plant the seed in a stable spot away from strong winds and direct sunlight to prevent drying out and splitting.

Place seed in moist soil

Your avocado seed should be placed in damp soil with only its root exposed after soaking in water for 24 hours. The remaining seed should be buried in the ground one to two inches deep. This will lessen the chance of it splitting when watered.

Regularly irrigate the seed

Consistently hydrating the seed can lessen its chance of splitting. Once you’ve planted your avocado seed, make sure to keep the soil there consistently moist. This facilitates its speedy and simple growth. Never allow it to dry completely and make sure to water it frequently.

Although there is always a potential that an avocado seed will break and not all avocado seeds will sprout, by taking these precautions you can boost your chances of success.

Read in detail: What Is The Mystery Of The Avocado Pit In Water Myth?

why did my avocado seed split in half

Conclusion | Why did my avocado seed split in half?

Avocados are hard, and the process of sprouting them occasionally takes months. This article explains in great detail why and how to avoid situations like the one avocado seed split in half. The age and size of the seed, excessive watering, temperature or humidity, etc., are just a few causes of avocado seed breaking. Sometimes, avocado seeds that have split will live. You need to exert the necessary effort if you want your seed to grow.

I hope this blog gave you the required information and useful insight.

FAQS | Why did my avocado seed split in half?

What happens if an avocado seed is split in half?

Reassemble the two sections, leaving the top of the main shoot only visible, and this time plant in potting soil up to the neck, not in water. Keep the soil evenly drained and wet.

Will a cracked seed germinate?

You can ensure that water will enter the seed by making a little crack in it, and the germination process should then start. After you have cracked the seed, do not soak it for an excessively long time. It could be best to place it right into the medium.

How do you know if a seed is damaged?

When the seeds are submerged in water, the damaged seeds float to the top while the mature, healthy seeds sink to the bottom, allowing the damaged seeds to be distinguished from the healthy ones.

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