Grow avocado seed in plastic bag (2)

The Ultimate Guide to grow Avocado Seed in a Plastic Bag

The Avocado tree is a home plant that looks beautiful in a room. The pit can germinate under typical soil conditions, or the best approach is to partially submerge it in a tiny glass (or other containers) of water or in a plastic bag. The pit sprouts in the latter manner after four to six weeks, at which point it is placed in regular potting soil for houseplants. It needs a lot of sunlight in order to produce fruit. Avocado seeds can be grown successfully in plastic bags. slow to mature, frequently taking ten years or more to produce fruit. In this article, we will discuss Growing avocado seeds in a plastic bag.

In some avocado-producing regions, like the Mexican state of Michoacán, rising demand and output may result in water problems. In addition, avocado production may result in illegal deforestation, water disputes, and socioeconomic and environmental effects in key producing areas. Producing avocados requires three times as much water as growing apples and 18 times more water than growing tomatoes.

Great House Plant

The avocado tree makes an intriguing and luxuriant indoor plant, and it is nutrient-rich. The avocado plant in your home might never mature into a tree and produce fruit. But it will develop into a lovely plant that is simple to start.


It’s vital to remember that avocado trees planted from seed may not be the same kind as the parent tree and will likely take several years to bear fruit.

Grow avocado seed in plastic bag

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There are various methods that are used for avocado germination, one of them is Growing avocado seeds in a plastic bag, and Growing avocado seed in a plastic bag is easy and simple.

Grow Avocado seeds in a plastic bag


  • Paper Towel
  • Seeds of avocado
  • A plastic zip-lock bag
  • Water
  • Soil


You should have to follow the following steps to grow avocados seeds in a plastic bag.

Choose the correct avocado seed

Choose complete, imperfection-free avocado seeds wherever possible. After harvesting the avocado meat, you’ll likely use them, so take care when removing the seeds to avoid accidentally slicing or puncturing them.

Clean seed

In warm water, gently clean the seeds. Now, let the washed seeds dry. Clean seeds should be left on a sunny windowsill for a few days to cure. After that, examine the seeds that have been cured and toss those with deep creases or black patches.

Cover with a paper towel

Now take a paper towel and for each seed, cut a length of paper towel and soak it in warm water. Each seed should be thoroughly wrapped with a paper towel.

Get your Plastic bag ready

Pick a bag that can hold the seeds comfortably. For airflow, the bag should be at least five inches above the seeds. Spread out the wrapped seeds equally in the bottom of the plastic bag. Don’t fill the plastic bag with air. It must not resemble a balloon. Now, seal the plastic bag.

Place the plastic bag in the correct location

Now place the bag in the correct location. Place the plastic bag in a bright area that doesn’t get direct sun. In the spring or summer, you can tape the bag to a windowpane to keep it upright and out of the way.

Monitor seed

Keep eye on the seed to make sure that the paper towels that cover the avocado seeds are always moist. When the paper towels start to dry out,  again moisten them with water but don’t add too much water. Make sure the air in the bag smells fresh. If it is not fresh replace the paper towels, wash the seeds, and put them in a fresh bag if you notice a musty smell. 

Roots Poking

You will be able to notice roots poking through the paper towels after four to six weeks.It should be sufficient to check the bag once every week.  For two to three weeks, let the roots develop in the humid atmosphere of the bag. Keep the during that time.

Seed Planting

Once the roots have appeared and had a chance to develop for a few weeks, plant your avocado seeds. For more seeds, choose a big pot. Seeds should be buried with the root facing down in potting soil that has been filled to within an inch of the rim of the pot. In the pot, distribute the seeds equally. After planting the seeds, water them thoroughly. Place the pot close to a warm, bright window.

So, you have to follow these steps when you want to grow avocado seeds in a plastic bag. 

Conclusion | Grow avocado seed in a plastic bag

Avocados are great houseplants and look beautiful near windows area. After four to six weeks, the pit grows in the latter way, at which point it is planted in standard potting soil for houseplants.. We can use various methods for avocado germination. The easiest and best option is the one using plastic bags. Simple household items can be used in this manner.

Separate the avocado fruit from the seed to get the seed of the avocado. It is necessary to wash and dry the seed. Now, cut a length of paper towel and soak it in warm water for one seed on each paper towel. 

Each seed needs to be completely covered with a paper towel. Place the seed in the bag now. Make sure the paper towels covering the avocado seeds are always moist by keeping an eye on the seeds. After four to six weeks, you will see roots peeking through the paper towels. Plant your avocado seeds in a pot with soil, then wait a few weeks until the roots start to appear. Place the pot now near a warm, sunny window.

Grow avocado seed in plastic bag (3)

FAQs | Grow avocado seed in a plastic bag

Can an avocado seed be sprouted in a plastic bag? 

Yes, an avocado seed is sprouted in a plastic bag. It is the beat and very easy method. You can wrap your peeled pit in a damp paper towel. After that, seal the plastic bag with the pit covered in paper towels and keep it there for two to eight weeks, or until a root emerges from the pit add some soil to the pot and place the seed there. Place your pot in a warm and sunny area. The two elements that are most important for seed germination are heat and moisture.

Do avocado seeds need to be dried before planting?

It depends on how dry the seed is. After removing the avocado seeds from the fruit, you should plant them as soon as possible. It might not sprout if the seed dries out too much. It ought to be okay if it has only been dry for a short time. The best option is to plant it as soon as possible.

What else can I use to help seeds germinate in place of paper towels?

We can use different paper like Newspaper, filter paper, or even paper towels to make great seed germination media. They are devoid of pathogens and make it simple to regulate moisture levels for good germination. Since you can plainly see them, this method also eliminates the uncertainty of determining if your seeds have germinated.

Why do seeds sprout more quickly on paper towels?

Paper towels are pathogen-free and make it simple to regulate moisture content, therefore they provide a great medium for the germination of seeds. You can easily watch your seed germination because they are plain.

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