Is my Avocado seed dead

Revive Your Dead Avocado Seed with These Surprising Tricks

You can start your own avocado tree from seed with surprising ease, but it takes a lot of time and work to get it to the fruiting stage. You will achieve the desired goal if you have the necessary determination.

Because avocado seed growth takes time, it might be difficult to determine if a seed is dead or not. When a seed is planted, you cannot tell if it is germination since seed sprouting does not occur immediately; it takes a maximum of 6 or 8 weeks for a seed to sprout.

This question will arise in many minds how we will know Is my avocado seed dead?

Here is the answer for all of you.

Is my Avocado seed dead

Is my Avocado seed dead?

Here are some signs that will tell the seed is dead.

Seed deterioration and blackening:

It is exceedingly challenging to determine whether the avocado seed has perished or is still growing. Rot frequently results in a black tint, which is a common sign of seed death. If the seed is blacker than half of it, it is probably dead. Even if half of a seed goes black, it can still sprout.

No fresh leaves:

When you notice that no new leaves are forming. Additionally, it demonstrates that the seed is dead and sterile. Therefore, you should take care to make sure there are no fresh leaves on the stem and the seed can not germinate.

No fresh roots:

Another indication of a dead seed is the absence of new roots. The seed is dead if the roots turn black and no new roots are developing. Young white roots that cease growing and make no development after a certain amount of time signal that the avocado seed has perished because germination takes a long time.

Dry Stem:

Our seed must be handled carefully; even a small error will cause it to perish. Nutrient deficiency is the cause of dry stems. When we employed the toothpick or paper towel approach, this kind of problem occurred. Drops of zinc and nitrogen in water help to solve this issue.

Even after several months, the seed is still whole:

It takes several months for the seed to become whole. The seed probably isn’t easy to crack. The development of roots from seed takes roughly six months. The temperature at which the seed is placed must be appropriate if roots do not form from the seed. Seed should not be exposed to temperatures that are too low. 25 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature. Given how long it takes an avocado to grow, it might be difficult to determine if a seed has died or not.

So, by these signs, you will know about your question answer that is, Is my Avocado seed dead?

What keeps an avocado seed alive?

Your avocado plant will require a lot of water to survive, but there also needs to be enough drainage. The top six inches of soil, where the majority of avocado roots are found, can dry out rapidly. In their first year, newly planted trees may require watering two to three times a week. During the summer, mature avocado trees require watering equivalent to around 2 inches of rainfall or irrigation every week.

Your avocado plants must be placed in well-drained soil if you want them to survive. Root rot could develop in too moist soil.


By following proper guidelines you can save your seed.

By Investigate the Cause:

Make a list of all the symptoms, to begin with. Bring them to a nearby gardening center so they can chat with a knowledgeable professional there.

 By reducing the requirement for irrigation:

If a plant receives too much water, fungi might grow on it. To prevent encouraging the growth of fungus, try lowering irrigation. They don’t like dry surroundings, the spores. Therefore, we must cut back on irrigation.

By Examining the Water:

 Because some elements in water can encourage the growth of bacteria and fungi, it is important to thoroughly examine the water. in order for you to check the water in your yard.

By Adding new soil where it belongs: 

In addition to the other methods, you might want to consider adding new soil to the top layer of soil. This will help get rid of any potentially harmful microorganisms near the roots, which can prevent seeds from dying.

By using quality fertilizer:

The balance of nutrients can occasionally be off. It indicates that there is less nitrogen, which is bad for plants since it promotes the development of diseases. It might also result in root rot, which is the primary indicator of seed death, but we can still salvage it by using adequate fertilizer.

Is my Avocado seed dead

Conclusion | Is my Avocado seed dead?

Since avocado seeds can be harmed by a tiny mistake and it can be challenging to determine whether a seed is still sprouting or dead, we must first and foremost follow the proper processes for developing avocado seeds.

 Avocados display signs that the seed is no longer viable and incapable of germination. There are various signs of seed death, such as seed blackening and degradation when the plant’s stem turns dry and no new leaves are growing and old leaves stop growing., The seeds remain whole and show no signs of germination even after several months, and the absence of new, fresh roots. We may easily prevent it by determining the underlying cause, adding enough fertilizer, and keeping an eye on how much water we are giving our yards. With some willpower and effort, we can prevent seed death.

Related: Grow Avocado Seed In A Glass(A Beginner’s Guide)

FAQs| Is my Avocado seed dead?

Why won’t my avocado seed germinate?

Avocado seeds require moisture to grow. That explains why they thrive in water. Your avocado seed won’t sprout if it begins to dry out. Therefore, be sure to change the water frequently. The only ability required to get that tough avocado seed to sprout is patience because it often takes six to eight weeks. According to some sources, the journey from avocado seed to small seedling takes two to six weeks, but in most places, it takes much longer. It could take up to 8 weeks.

Do avocado seeds dry out with time?

As soon as you extract the avocado seeds from the fruit, you should plant them. The seed might not sprout if it dries out too much. It should be okay if it has only been dry for a few days. The seeds’ ends were cut off slightly, which facilitated more rapid and equal germination.

Can an avocado seed be overwatered?

Root rot can result from overwatering. Since their roots do not penetrate the soil very deeply, avocado trees typically do not require much water after they are established. The top six inches of soil, where the majority of avocado roots are found, can dry out rapidly. In their first year, newly planted trees may require watering two to three times a week. During the summer, mature avocado trees require watering equivalent to around 2 inches of rainfall or irrigation every week.

What symptoms indicate avocado root rot?

Small, pale green or brownish leaves are signs of Phytophthora root rot. The tips of the leaves usually turn black and rot. There is little new growth and little foliage. There might not be much leaf material under sick trees.

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